G-Force Motorsport

Dakar 2015: all the checks passed!

Friday, 02 January 2015 22:20

img 0097 r G-Force Motorsport team waked up early on January, 2nd:

img 0046 r check in time for the team administraive checks was 8 a.m. So at 7:30 G-Force sport crews and assistance crews arrived at TC.


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All mandatory documents were OK, the crews members were granted their bracelets. Then came the scrutineering for the sport cars.

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Everything was OK here, too, without any remarks. By 11 a.m. the cars had been placed into the Parc Ferme.

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What is not good: Rafael, the co-driver in crew #443, lost his voice and has to use the gesture language. Hope he will be able to speak before the start.

We are very glad that Sergey Karyakin passed all the checks, too, and is allowed to start!

On January, 3rd the mandatory briefing for the media crews will take place, and at 3 p.m. the starting ceremony will begin.

Stay tuned!


Photo: Boris Gadasin

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